What’s In Your Meat?

What’s In Your Meat?

Have you ever walked down the meat section of the supermarket and noticed that most the cuts of meat are almost identical to each other? Have you ever wondered why every time you have a cheeseburger at a fast food chain restaurant it tastes just like the last one you...
Carb Loading: Leading Up To Your Athletic Event

Carb Loading: Leading Up To Your Athletic Event

What it is: Carbohydrate Loading, or Carb Loading, is increasing the amount of carbs in an athletes diet in order to prepare for an event. Increasing the amount of carbs in ones diet will allow the athlete to increase the fuel stored in their muscles to perform better...


Carbohydrates are sugars, starches and fiber. They are separated into two different kind, Simple Carbs and Complex carbs . Simple carbs are essentially sugar but can be found in fruit, and milk but they are primarily ingested as sugar in most foods. When ingested as...
Travel Fit: Stay On Track On The Go

Travel Fit: Stay On Track On The Go

Vacations, while relaxing, can be extremely hard when you’re on a health and wellness plan. Typically on vacation we over indulge, get out of our regular sleep patterns, workout routines and consume more alcohol. The trip itself can be hard enough, but getting...
Dark vs Milk – How Chocolate Can Be Good For You

Dark vs Milk – How Chocolate Can Be Good For You

Did you know chocolate might not be as bad for you as you think?  It all comes down to the TYPE of chocolate you are having. Today I am going to compare some of the differences between Milk Chocolate vs. Dark Chocolate Many people will scoff at the idea of eating...